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NEXT National Scholastic Tournament December 12th

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on December 1, 2008 at 10:27:22 am


National K-12 Scholastic Championship

December 12-14, 2008

Lake Buena Vista, Florida

See official USCF TLA - http://main.uschess.org/tournaments/2008/k12/


Tournament site:

          Disney's Coronado Springs Resort

                    1000 W. Buena Vista Drive

                    Lake Buena Vista, FL 32830

                    407-939-1020 or 407-939-1000



13 Sections:

          Play only in your Grade (No collegiate section)

          First place individual and team, including ties,

                   will be National Champion for their grade.

          Team score is total of top three (minimum two) finishers

                   from each school per grade.

          1/2 point bye available any round except 7 if requested before round 1.

          Players registering late (after 10 AM Friday) may not be paired for round 1,                          will receive a 1/2 bye, and will begin play with round 2.

          December rating supplement will be used.


Time Control:




    Opening ceremony Fri. 12:30 pm.


          Fri. 1 pm-6 pm

          Sat. 10 am-2 pm-6 pm

          Sun. 9 am-1 pm.

    Awards Ceremony: Sunday 5 pm (approximately)


Special round times for K-1 sections:

          Fri. 1:30 pm-5:30 pm

          Sat. 9:30 am-1:30 pm-5:30 pm

          Sun. 9:30 am-1:30 pm.

          K-1 Awards Ceremony 4:30 pm (approximately)


Entry Fee:  

          $40 by Nov. 14

          $60 by Nov. 28

          $75 later

          $80 on site.

                   $5.00 extra for all phone registrations.

                    $20 change fee for roster or section changes after Nov. 14 or on site.



          Top 10 individuals & top five teams (minimum) in each grade.

                   Class Awards: 1st-3rd place

          K-3: 800-999, 600-799, U600, Unrated.

          4-6: 1000-1199, 800-999, 600-799, U600, Unrated.

          7-9: 1200-1399, 1000-1199, 800-999, U800, Unrated.

          9-12: 1400-1599, 1200-1399, 1000-1199, U1000, Unrated.

          Every player receives a commemorative item!


Disney's Coronado Springs Resort

          1000 W. Buena Vista Drive

          Lake Buena Vista, FL 32830

Chess Tournament Room Rate $120

          407-939-1020 or 407-939-1000


Marriott Orlando World Center resort & Convention Center

          8701 World Center Drive

          Orlando, FL 32821

Chess Tournament Room Rate $120 ยท


          Transportation to tournament site is not provided.

          Please make your own arrangements.


Mail your entries to:

          US Chess

          Attn: 2008 K12

          PO Box 3967

          Crossville, TN 38557

or fax to: 931-787-1200


Contact: Cheryle Bruce 931-787-1234 ext.147 cbruce@uschess.org


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