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Issues to Address

Page history last edited by Mike Games 15 years, 12 months ago

To begin, we may want to list questions that on our minds about the coming year. Please feel free to throw anything out there. Through discussion, we can figure out if an issue truly is an issue or not.


Also, in order to keep the place tidy, we should probably put questions on this page and then create a new page for discussion about that question.



Internet Chess

1. A few of us have suggested Internet Chess Tournaments as a means for schools to compete without the added expense of travel. (Though we still want to stress over the board play.) What are the various issues schools have with playing chess online? What could we do to make online chess play easy for schools?


Promoting Tournaments and Prestigious Events

Bob Halliday pointed out that there has been little coverage of prestigious events like the Denker and the Polgar. What can be done to make sure the state and local organizations know and promote such tournaments?

TRY THIS -      TVNewsroomContactInfo.pdf      Guidelines for Non-Profits.doc


Chess Etiquette? 

Do we have (or want to create) a very simple page (that could be printed out) on chess etiquette? Since our emphasis is on education, that might be helpful as we bring in more and more people that might not have an experienced trainer teaching them the expectations of a game or tournament play.

TRY THIS -      The Morals of Chess.doc      Chess Etiquette.doc


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