To join or re-new online:,com_wrapper/Itemid,323/
About: Both individual and family memberships available. Some provide yearly subscription to award winning Chess Life magazine and/or Chess Life for Kidsmagazine and some with online access.
Dues information:
Why Join the USCF?
Why join the United States Chess Federation? That is an easy question to answer. By joining the USCF you are taking the next step on a life-long path to chess excellence. Not only are you stepping into the realm of the serious chess player, as opposed to the casual now and then player, but you are joining an organization that will help track your life-long climb towards your peak level, with a rating system you can trust.
By joining, you can play in any USCF event held in North America. Most areas have a USCF Chess Club Affiliate with tournaments that are held on a regular basis to help sharpen your chess skills, allowing you to practice new openings, end games, and tactics "over-the-board" in face to face competition. And the rating you build will stay with you, where ever you go, however long you play.
The USCF also has many resources available to its members. Starting with Chess Life magazine (and the excellent Chess Life for Kids magazine), and including a web site with extensive features for any level of player, from Class "J" novices, up to Chess Masters. For many, it is the start of the quest that will last decades and enrich your life in many ways you cannot see from the starting point.
Senior Master - 2400 & up
Master - 2200-2399 Class C - 1400-1599 Class G - 600-799
Expert - 2000-2199 Class D - 1200-1399 Class H - 400-599
Class A - 1800-1999 Class E - 1000-1199 Class I - 200-399
Class B - 1600-1799 Class F - 800-999 Class J -199/below
Ratings and Titles Explained: -The average adult USCF tournament player is rated about 1450. Many beginners start out with ratings of 1000 or so, with scholastic players starting out at around 600. The average of all USCF players is about 1100.
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